Electoral Board Reportl
On the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and twenty-two, starting at 10:00 am, in Luanda, capital of the Republic of Angola, elections were held for the various Bodies of the International Federation of Women in the Legal Career, in accordance with the Notice for Presentation of Electoral Candidacy from March 22, 2022.
The aforementioned elections took place in strict compliance with the FIFCJ Statutes, in general and in particular with the dictates of the rules on electoral processes. The act was witnessed by members of various delegations present in that city in (General Electoral Assembly). Delegates with active and passive electoral capacity were present, as well as the holders of powers of attorney with sufficient powers for the purpose.
Once the attendances were verified, the delegates proceeded to sign the attendance sheet, in accordance with the bylaws. The Electoral Commission consisted of Prof. Dr Lúcia da Luz Ribeiro (Chairman – Mozambique), Dr. Vânia Maria de Figueiredo Lima, Secretary – Brazil, and Dr. Gorete de Jesus Pinheiro Lopes de Sousa – (Secretary – São Tomé and Príncipe).
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After the XXIV Congress and the Ordinary General Assembly that took place in Luanda, from
On the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and twenty-two, starting at 10:00 am, in Luanda,