Call for articles for the collective work
FIFCJ calls for articles for the collective work “FEMINIST JUSTICE AND ETHICS…
The International Federation of Women in the Legal Career (FIFCJ) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) of women lawyers, founded in Paris in 1928.
Its objective is to fight for the eradication of all forms of discrimination against women and to promote human rights.
This organization is considered the largest women’s NGO in the world, among other reasons, for affiliating national associations of women, jurists and individual members in 79 countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. FIFCJ has held a consultative position with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1961 and collaborates with ECOSOC, UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO and ILO
FIFCJ calls for articles for the collective work “FEMINIST JUSTICE AND ETHICS…
In Jornal O Popular, in Brazil, there was an article by the President of FIFCJ and ABMCJ Nacional, Manoela Gonçalves, on the subjects discussed at the event of CSW67 of the UN .
This publication coincides with the end of my mandate as president of the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers.
The International Federation of Women in the Legal Career makes public its rejection of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
The FIFCJ goes public to express its repudiation of the attempt on the life of the Vice-President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner.
A Federação Internacional das Mulheres de Carreira Jurídica- FIFCJ, vem a público manifestar sua solidariedade às mulheres iranianas