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Fédération International des Femmes des Carrières Juridiques


International Federation of Women in the Legal Career


An international non-governmental organization is created under the name INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN IN LEGAL CAREERS.

In carrying out its activities, the Federation is inspired by the Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reaffirmed in the Convention on the Elimination of All Discrimination against Women, as well as in Resolutions, Declarations, Conventions and Recommendations of the United Nations that aim to eliminate all forms of discrimination, without distinction of any kind, and to promote equal rights for men and women.

Consequently the Federation undertakes to:

  1. Disseminate knowledge of these principles among its members and in their respective professional, social and family circles.
  2. Encourage and support its members in their work with Parliaments, Governments and all other competent authorities and with public opinion so that national legislation conforms or becomes compliant with these Principles, so that they are actually applied in judicial and social practice.

Official Documents

