With the aim of promoting reflection on issues involving women in legal careers, women and girls in a state of vulnerability, and also with the aim of promoting reflection on issues involving “PEACE, JUSTICE AND ETHICS: EFFECTIVE INSTITUTIONS TO CONSOLIDATE EQUITY” and to disseminate the theoretical scientific production of its members, the Fédération International des Femmes de Carrières Juridiques – FIFCJ, through its President Manoela Gonçalves Silva, and the Asociación Dones Juristes de Cataluña – ADJC, are promoting the call for articles for the collective work “JUSTICE AND FEMINIST ETHICS – REFLECTIONS ON GENDER EQUITY”.
The submission of originals for this collective work implies the transfer by the authors of the copyright for print and digital publication.
Submissions must comply with the rules set out in the Notice below. Click to access the Notice.
La Federación Internacional de Mujeres en la Carrera Jurídica hace público su rechazo a la
La FIFCJ hace público su repudio al atentado contra la Vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Kirchner.
La Federación Internacional de Mujeres en Carreras Jurídicas – FIFCJ, se hace pública para expresar
Depois do XXIV Congresso e da Assembleia Geral Ordinária que tiveram lugar em Luanda, de
El día veinticinco de mayo de dos mil veintidós, a partir de las 10:00 horas,