The International Federation of Women in the Legal Career – FIFCJ and the Brazilian Association of Women in the Legal Career – ABMCJ publicly express their repudiation of the attempt on the life of the Vice-President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner, which took place around 9 pm this Thursday Monday, in the city of Buenos Aires.
No political debate, ideological divergence or partisan position should supplant what is most valuable to us: our humanity. Based on this humanity, we must call for the efforts of men and women, young and old, nationals and foreigners, so that each and every act of violence, in any social spectrum, is the object of repulsion and reprimand.
Aggression and threats directed at women are acts that deserve our most vehement censure. The aggression and threat directed at women who exercise elective mandates, however, transcend their primary target, victimizing democracy and the rule of law.
Thus, we base our indignation and here we reiterate that our institutional commitment is the search for a fairer, more equitable and more plural society; for a society that guarantees, primarily to women, equal conditions to live, act, decide and occupy spaces of speech and decision. May the lives of these women be respected, may their actions be preserved, may their decisions be assured and that no weapon or fist put an end to our tireless struggle for the realization of rights.
When we lose our capacity for indignation in the face of violence, we fail on the path of civilization. When we condition this outrage to either personal or social, we obliterate our humanistic empathy.
We stand in solidarity with Mrs. Vice-President of Argentina and his family, calling on the competent authorities to ensure that investigations into the case take place quickly and efficiently.
Brazil, Goiânia, Goiás on September 2, 2022.
Manuela Gonçalves Silva
– President of FIFCJ –
International Federation of Women in the Legal Career
The International Federation of Women in the Legal Career makes public its rejection of the
The FIFCJ goes public to express its repudiation of the attempt on the life of
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