After the XXIV Congress and the Ordinary General Assembly that took place in Luanda, from the 23rd to the 25th of May, the time has come to move forward in fulfilling the mission of the Federation. We believe in the commitment of each one so that our Organization becomes ever stronger, more active and present in the lives of every woman, every girl and every child who still cannot enjoy their rights and freedoms.
We want and must continue the work started by our predecessors and honor the struggles and all the efforts made by the founders of this great Organization. Continuing their work and preparing the new generations of activists so that they can succeed us, because only then will the effort of those women be worth it.
The Luanda Congress was a success, thanks to everyone’s commitment, with the courage of my predecessor, Dr. Osvalda Joana, for taking the event to Luanda, the first face-to-face event after the start of the pandemic, and the colleagues of the Associação Angolana das Mulheres de Carreira Jurídica who accepted the challenge of organizing the Congress and creating conditions for our Ordinary General Assembly, where the new members of the bodies of the Federation were elected.
The International Federation of Women in the Legal Career makes public its rejection of the
The FIFCJ goes public to express its repudiation of the attempt on the life of
A Federação Internacional das Mulheres de Carreira Jurídica- FIFCJ, vem a público manifestar sua solidariedade
After the XXIV Congress and the Ordinary General Assembly that took place in Luanda, from
On the twenty-fifth of May, two thousand and twenty-two, starting at 10:00 am, in Luanda,