This publication coincides with the end of my mandate as president of the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers. It is, therefore, an exercise in memory, a balance of the conclusions reached over a decade of meetings initiated in the management of my predecessor and fundamental support, Dra. Teresa Féria.
Women and girls – especially those who are poor, non-white and born in the Global South – continue to be an extremely vulnerable group, whose rights are subject to setbacks and blockades. However, in the last decade, we have managed to make progress in the visibility of the inequalities and pressures that they continue to face at home, at school, on the street or at work.
In the current scenario of democratic crisis, of multiplication of autocratic and authoritarian governments, in which the interests of the richest 1% of the population threaten the future of the remaining 99%, the women must maintain a vital performance so that we can tell you what we are fighting for. respected. FIFCJ offers here its feminist jurisprudence to accompany the challenging path that we must travel in the field of Human Rights.
This is a way of thanking all the friends of FIFCJ, who gave me the opportunity to represent them. My special thanks to Dr. Angelina Hurios Calcerrada, guide and advisor. I will forever raise the lembrança do carinho of all.
Maria Elena Elverdin
President 2012-2018
La Federación Internacional de Mujeres en la Carrera Jurídica hace público su rechazo a la
La FIFCJ hace público su repudio al atentado contra la Vicepresidenta de Argentina, Cristina Kirchner.
La Federación Internacional de Mujeres en Carreras Jurídicas – FIFCJ, se hace pública para expresar
Depois do XXIV Congresso e da Assembleia Geral Ordinária que tiveram lugar em Luanda, de
El día veinticinco de mayo de dos mil veintidós, a partir de las 10:00 horas,